夏令营 > 历届演讲集 > 第廿三届演讲集锦> 恒实长老 在传灯法会上的开示




I am going to speak first in English and then translate for myself in Chinese. Our summer camp is quickly drawing to a close , and at the moment everyone will have a lamp , and deng in your hand and you ' ll be burning. You have a small piece of fire in your hand. Please know that that fire consumes and purifies every mind. In the same way , the fire of wisdom in our minds consumes inners , like aflames. As the fire consumes ignorance in purifies our mind , and brings us wisdom directly from the source. that ' s one contemplation. Another contemplation is very useful for us , It is truth that when you have a single light , a single deng or a candle , it doesn ' t matter how long the darkness in the room has been dark. in only takes one single candle to break apart darkness in the room for hundreds or thousands of years. That lamp ' s wisdom in your hand will break apart the darkness in the room in dark for hundreds or thousands of years. That is the power of wisdom. Don ' t feel like my ignorance so heavy , my obstacal so heavy , that I can never be wants. That is absolutely incorrect. If you have a single lamp of wisdom in your mind. It doesn ' t matter how long we have been confused or set down and wisdom will break dark or confusion . And the third contemplation is , let ' s do not fight with each other. Let ' s complete the merge with each other. So , after a summer camp , our wisdom force all into the world to make the world a better place , and we will never find ourselves in conflict with other people ' s wisdom. No matter which religion , no matter what the belief they had , if we have the buddhist wisdom in our heart , we will completely urge with every other kind wisdom. That ' s what I speak do.


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