生活禅 > 柏林艺廊 > 中英园地 > 一即一切,一切即一(7)

One in all all in one (7)


                    张刚 试译

  The Buddha is made of a lot of compassion, and that is why Shakyamuni Buddha tried to help. With his magical power he lifted the whole assembly up, and now everyone could see Prabhutaratna Buddha sitting in the tower. Suddenly Prabhutaratna Buddha smiled and made room in his seat, and invited Shakyamuni Buddha to come and sit together with him, and there the two Buddhas sitting together, the Buddha of eternity, and the Buddha of time and space, they were sitting together to show the assembly that there are two levels. The Buddha manifested as a sight, and the Buddha as your true nature, they are one, they are always one. You should not discriminate.    佛陀由大悲所成,这也是释迦牟尼佛尽力帮助大众的原因。用他不可思议的神力,佛陀将整个会众抬升,现在,每个人都可以看到多宝佛端坐在佛塔之中。突然,多宝佛破颜微笑,并将他的宝座分出一些,邀请释迦牟尼佛过来与他坐在一起,两位佛陀并肩而坐,一位是永恒之佛,一位是具体时空下的应身之佛,他们坐在一起这一事实向大众宣示了两个层面的东西。作为可眼见的分身应化佛,和作为你们真实体性的佛性的佛,这两种应该是一,他们恒为一。你们不应厚此薄彼。 
  It's a wonderful sutra. It speaks with images. Prabhutaratna Buddha is the Buddha of the cosmos, and Shakyamuni Buddha is the Buddha of time and space, who appeared on earth for us as a teacher. Yet they are one. If you know to look deeply into Shakyamuni Buddha, you will see the Buddha of the cosmos, everywhere at any time, he is not limited to time and space, and therefore you don't have to go to the Gridhrakuta Mountain to meet him. You can stay right here, and he is available, because there are many manifested bodies of Shakyamuni in the world for you to see, to teach, to touch, and to learn from. If you know how to listen, the sound of the wind can be the teaching about the Four Noble Truths. If you know how to listen to the birds, the sound of the birds can be the teaching of the Eightfold Path. If you know how to contemplate the sunflowers, the sunflowers can reveal the Buddha-Land to you. It's right here, it's right now, the Buddha-Land, the Buddha, the Kingdom of God. You have to be alive to touch it, to live it. Don't waste your life running and looking somewhere else. It is right there.    这真是一部美妙的经典。它用一幅幅意象宣讲。多宝佛是法身佛,释迦牟尼佛是应身佛,他做为我们的导师出兴在这个地球。然而,他们是一体的。如果你知道深深地观察释迦牟尼佛,无论在何时何地,你就会看到法身佛,他并不为时空所拘,因此,你也不必赶到灵鹫山见佛陀一面。你安住不动,佛陀就在当下,因为在这个世界上,有如此许多的释迦牟尼佛的分身佛等待着你去看、去教、去感触、去受教。如果你知道如何去听,风声就在诉说四圣谛。如果你知道如何倾听小鸟的声音,它们的啼鸣就在传授八正道。如果你知道如何凝视向日葵,向日葵就会向你揭示净土。佛陀的净土,佛陀之国,就在这儿,就在当下。你要充满觉照,以便感知它,经历它。它就在当下。
  If you know how to look, how to touch deeply, you will become birthless and deathless, because the nature of everything that is, is without birth and without death. You are in everything else, everything else is in you. Birth and death are just notions that scare us, and if you are able to remove the notions, you get the gift of nonfear, and only with nonfear can true happiness be possible.    如果你知道如何谛观,如何感触,你就会变得不生不灭,因为任何事物的本性都是不生不灭的。你存在于别的一切事物之中,别的一切事物在你之中。生死只是恐吓我们的概念而已,如果你能屏除这些概念,你将获得“无有恐惧”的礼物,只有没有了恐惧,真实的快乐才成为可能。
  In the Avatamsaka Sutra you read this gatha: "All things are birthless. All things have no extinction. You are also like that. If you know how to look at things this way, you can see and touch all Buddhas at any time." That is a four-line gatha in the Avatamsaka Sutra, in fact it is in the chapter on the Suyama Heaven.    在《华严经》中你可以读到这样的偈颂:“一切法无生,亦复无有灭,若能如是解,斯人见如来”这就是《华严经》中的四行偈,事实上,它出现在《夜摩宫中偈赞品》。 
  There were so many bodhisattvas from the cosmos coming to the Gridhrakuta Mountain to listen to the dharma talk, and many of them offered to stay there to help the Buddha, because they see that the Buddha works very hard. This planet earth has so much suffering, and the Buddha has to take care of all the living beings on this planet earth. Although he has disciples who help him to take care of the people who need help, it does not seem that he has enough assistance to take care of the people. That is why countless bodhisattvas coming from every corner of the cosmos volunteered to stay to help the Buddha. The Buddha smiled and said, "Thank you. We have enough people here to do the work." So he pointed to the ground, and suddenly from the earth sprung up countless bodhisattvas. Everyone was beautiful, everyone was a dharma teacher, dharma teachers of every kind: young, less young, male, female, all of them are wonderful teachers, all of them are beautiful, and all of them bow to the Buddha. They all have been trained by the Buddha to be workers on this planet earth.    如此众多的菩萨从宇宙各地赶来聆听法会,许多菩萨提议留下来帮助佛陀,因为他们看到佛陀实在是太辛劳了。这个星球充满着苦痛,佛陀不得不悉心照料这个星球上的众生。虽然他还有徒从帮助那些需要帮助的人,但似乎他还没有足够的助手来帮助他照料众生。于是,便有数不清的菩萨从宇宙的各处赶来,志愿留下来帮助佛陀。佛陀微笑着说:“谢谢你们,我已经有了充足的人手来做这件事。”于是,他指向地面,突然,从大地涌现出难以数计的菩萨。每一位都是那么优雅。每一位都是正法的导师,他们有着各种类型:或年轻,或不太年轻,或男,或女,都是了不起的导师,都是如此的美丽。他们向佛陀礼拜。他们都已经得到了释迦牟尼佛的教导,成为这个星球上传法的中坚。 
Shariputra asked the Buddha, "Dear teacher, you were born just forty or fifty years ago in Kapilavastu. How could you have had time to train so many dharma teachers, so many bodhisattvas to assist you?" The Buddha smiled and said, "Shariputra, you have seen me only in this life span. I am not limited in time. You have not seen me in my totality. You have only seen me as a manifested body. You have to touch the Buddha deeper to see that the longevity of the Buddha is infinite, and the presence of the Buddha is unlimited, and that is why I have been able to train countless bodhisattvas as dharma teachers. That is why I have thanked bodhisattvas coming from every corner of the cosmos, because here they have enough people to order to take care of the planet earth.  舍利弗祈请世尊:“亲爱的导师,你不过是四十年前出生在伽毗黎。你何以有时间教化出如此多的传法的导师,如此多的菩萨来帮助你?”佛陀微笑着说:“舍利弗,你只在此生这个片段看到了我。我不会为时间所拘,你还没有看到我的全部。你只是将我看成一个应身佛。你必须更深地感触佛陀,以便明白佛陀的寿命是无穷的,佛陀的存在是无限的。这就是我为什么能够教化出如此多的菩萨成为传法导师的原因。这也是我为什么拒绝它方的菩萨的原因,因为,在此地,他们可以安排足够的人手来照料这个星球。

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