生活禅 > 柏林艺廊 > 中英园地 > 一即一切,一切即一(5)

One in all all in one (5)


                    张刚 试译

  The people who love her never want to lock her into a prison. Even the prison called love. The people who love her, the people around her allow her to be herself. And she allows people around her to be themselves, that is why all of them have space inside. And space outside. By loving each other, they offer each other space. They don't practice what we practice in the Lokadahtu: possessive love.  .    爱着她的人们从来不会想到将她囚锁于监牢。即使那是被称之为爱的监牢。爱她的人,以及她身边的人,只想让她成为她自己。她也允许周围的人成为他们自己,这就是所有的人拥有空间的原因,无论是内在的,还是外在的。通过相互之间的爱,他们彼此为对方提供空间。他们不会践行我们在尘世中做的:消极的爱。
  In the Avatamsaka world there is a lot of time. You never run out of time. Time is for being alive. Time is not for other things. We know how to use time, we know how to enjoy time. Because time is light itself. Time over there is not money. Time is life. And there is no deadline. And because there is no deadline there is no stress. Freedom is what we have in the Avatamsaka world. Freedom is available. In the Avatamsaka world there are a lot of flowers. Looking at everything, we recognize it as a flower. Your hand is a flower. I remember saying, “Quiesce Que c'est Que l'automne? L'automne est une saison ou chaque feuille est une fleur (What is Autumn? Autumn is a season in which each leaf is a flower.) But in the Avatamsaka you don't have to wait till Autumn to see each leaf as a flower. You can see it as a flower in Spring. And what is wonderful is that a new flower contains all the flowers in it.    在华藏世界,时光是如此悠长。你不会耗尽时光。时光为活着的生灵而设,非为别事。我们知道如何利用时间,如何享受时光。因为,时间本身就是光。时间结束了和钱财耗尽了并不是一回事。时光就是生命。生命没有最后期限。没有最后期限,就不会有压力。自在是我们在华藏世界所拥有的。自在就在当下。在华藏世界,繁花似锦。观察每一件事物,我们会认识到它恰似一朵花。你的手臂就是一朵花。我记得以前说过,“秋天是什么?秋天是每一片叶子变成花朵的季节。”但是在华藏世界,你不必等到秋天才能亲睹每一片叶子变成花朵,你可以在春季就看到这一切。奇妙的是一朵新花包含了所有的花在她的花蕊之中。
  In the Avatamsaka there are a lot of lion seats where you can sit and you can feel like a lion, the king of the jungle. You feel like you are the king of yourself, the king of the Universe, you are not a slave, you are powerful, you have sovereignty over yourself. Every seat where you seat becomes a lion seat. The foot of the bodhi tree. You don't have to travel to the foot of the bodhi tree. Every time you seat in mindfulness, that seat becomes the foot of the bodhi tree. And when you are in the Avatamsaka you know that the Buddha is available.    在华藏世界,狮子座高敷,你可以安然而坐,感觉象一头雄师,丛林之王。你会觉得你是你自己的王,宇宙之王,而不是奴隶,你充满力量,你是自己的主宰。只要你坐过,这座位就会成为狮子座,并在菩提树下。你不必远涉到菩提树下,因为,每当你充满正念地端坐,这座位就在菩提树下。当你进入华藏世界,你就会明白,佛陀就在当下。
  Where is Sakyamuni? You want to go there and pay a visit. In the Avatamsaka everything is in everything else. India is in Japan, Japan in America. You don't have to move. It's wonderful. You need to be yourself, mindful, and you can touch your root teacher anytime. You don't have to travel.    释迦牟尼在哪?你愿意到彼一游。在华藏世界中,每一事物都存在于其他事物之中。印度存在于日本,日本存在于美国。你可以不移一步而致千里。这种境界奇妙瑰丽。你只需要成为你自己,专注而觉悟,任何时刻,你都能感触到你的根本导师——佛陀。你不必跋山涉水,远渡重洋。
  Suppose we hear the New York Times announcing that the Buddha will be available for a walking meditation at the foot of the Gridhrakuta mountain in India next month. And whoever wants to sign up for a walking meditation with Sakyamuni is requested to do so because very soon there will not be any place on the airplanes. You love your teacher so much and you want to be with him and walking up and down the Gridhrakuta Mountain. You pick up your telephone and make a reservation on the plane so that you can arrive a few days earlier, you want to be sure. When you arrive you may get worried, there are so many people, thousands and thousands of people are flocking into the area, and you don't think that you are strong enough to push, push, push, and get close to the Buddha. Very frustrating! Your deepest wish is that you can get close to him, one meter, or if possible, a little bit closer, and someone can take a picture of you with the Buddha. So that when you go home, you can show people, “You see, I was with the Buddha.” But in spite of all these efforts, you are not sure to be able to meet the Buddha and to have a walking meditation with the Buddha.    假设我们听说纽约时报宣布了一条消息:下个月,佛陀将在印度灵鹫山麓主持一次行禅,任何想和佛陀一起行禅的人都被要求预约,因为,不久所有的航班爆满。你是如此挚爱你的导师,渴望和他一起沿着灵鹫山崎岖起伏的小路漫步。你抓起电话,预定了航班,你想早几天到,这样才可以确保万无一失。赶到后,或许你会变得焦虑,人流如海般涌入,你怎能如此强壮,可以挤到佛陀身边。这真让人沮丧!你最真切的愿望就是来到他身边,那怕是一米,如果有可能,再近一点更好,然后,别人给你和佛陀留一张合影。当你回到家乡,你可以向别人炫耀,“你们看,我和佛陀在一起!”但是,尽管已经付出很多,你还是不能确定能否见着佛陀,能否和他一起行禅。
But in the Avatamsaka world you don't have to buy any ticket, you don't have to make any reservation. You just practice mindful breathing in and out. And when you look you see the Gridhrakuta mountain is right there, and the Buddha is right there and you just take his hand and you just walk and enjoy it. You don't even need to take a picture with him, because you are him, you are in him, and he is in you. Why do you need a picture of yourself?  但在华藏世界,你不必买票,也不必预约。你只要专注地吸气和呼气。然后,当你放眼望去,你了悟到灵鹫山就在脚下,佛陀就在身边,你挽着了他的手,你只需静静的走,并陶醉于这一切。你甚至也不必和他合影,因为,你就是他,你在他之中,他也在你之中。你需要一张自己的照片何用?

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