生活禅 > 柏林艺廊 > 中英园地 > 一即一切,一切即一(2)

One in all all in one (2)


                    张刚 试译

  I will offer each child in this assembly one lotus seed, and I trust that you will keep it well and bring it home to make that experiment. You will learn that a huge lotus pond is contained within this. Ancestors of the lotus have transmitted all the talents, all the fragrance, all the beauties in this tiny seed, and if this seed knows how to practice, it will manifest all this talent, all these beauties, all these wonders from within it, and offer themselves to the world.    我会给队伍中的每一位孩子一粒莲子。我相信你们会保存好它,并带回家开始这项试验。你们会懂得,一片巨大的荷塘就包含在这一粒小小的种子里面。莲的祖先们已经将它们所有的才具、芬芳、美丽都凝结在这一粒小小的种子里。如果这粒种子懂得如何践行,它就会从它深处流露出这些才具、美丽和奇迹,并将之呈现于这个世界。
  Each of you is a seed, a wonderful seed like a seed of lotus. You look a little bit bigger than a lotus seed, but you are a wonderful seed. In you there are a lot of talents. Compassion is in you. Understanding is in you. Love is in you. The capacity to smile is in you, the capacity to help other people be happy is in you. Because these wonderful virtues, these wonderful qualities, have been transmitted to you by your ancestors, your blood ancestors and your spiritual ancestors. If you know how to sprout and to grow, you will be a very beautiful lotus pond and you will offer a lot of happiness to many, many people around you, not only people, but animals, plants and minerals. A tiny lotus seed can make so many people happy. It has made me happy. A television man from Paris came to Plum Village and he saw some lotus flowers, and he reported on French television that lotus flowers bloom like mushrooms in Plum Village.    你们每一个人都是一粒种子,一粒奇妙的种子,恰如这粒莲子。你看起来比一粒莲子大得多,但你仍是一粒奇妙的种子。你同样蕴涵着才气。同情在你深处;智慧在你深处;爱在你深处;微笑的潜能在你深处;帮助别人快乐的潜能在你深处。因为,这些奇妙的优点,这些美妙的品质,都已经通过你的祖先,血脉上的,或精神上的,遗传给你了。如果你懂得如何去发芽、生长,你就会成为一片美丽的荷塘,给许许多多生灵带来快乐——你周围的人们,不仅是人类,还会有动物,植物甚或矿藏。一粒小小的莲子能使如此多的人快乐。它已经给我带来了快乐。一位从巴黎来的电视制片人来到了梅村,他看到了荷花,于是,他在法国电视台报道,梅村的荷花盛开,繁密得象大片蘑菇。
  We have so many kinds of wonderful seeds within us, and if we know how to help the seeds to sprout, we'll be very happy and we'll be able to offer a lot of happiness to so many people. We already have a lot of good seeds in us, and we continue to receive seeds. When I look at you with loving eyes, and with the eyes of trust and admiration, a good seed is planted in you. I help plant a seed of faith, of confidence, of compassion in you, just by looking at you with the eyes of love and compassion. And we can help each other by planting the positive and beautiful seeds in each other. Every sound you hear can be a seed, a good seed or a negative seed. Every sight you see can be received as a seed in yourself, a positive seed or a negative seed. That is why in Plum Village we try our best to maintain a place where you can only see positive sights and positive sounds. In fact, Plum Village is a sanctuary of the Five Mindfulness Trainings. We come together here and try to protect the environment so that we will not see things that are not the dharma. We will not hear anything that is not the dharma. Everything translates the Five Mindfulness Trainings, and that is why while you are in Plum Village you are safe. Every sight, every sound, every face, every touch should contain the dharma in it, and you are protected by the Five Mindfulness Trainings.    在我们深处,我们拥有许多奇妙的种子,倘若我们懂得怎样来帮助这些种子发芽,我们就会快乐起来,并能够给他人带来快乐。我们已经拥有了一些优良的种子,而且我们会继续吸纳种子。当我用充满关爱、信任、钦佩的目光关注你时,一粒美好的种子已经种植于你。用关爱和同情的眼神,我帮助在你那里种下信任的种子、信心的种子以及同情的种子。我们每个人相互之间都可以帮助种下积极的、美好的种子。你听到的每一个声音都会成为一粒种子,美好的或阴暗的。你看到的每一个场景都会成为一粒种子,美好的或阴暗的。这就是为什么我们尽其所能把梅村保持成这样一个地方:你听到的每一个声音,看到的每一幅场景都是积极的。事实上,梅村只是‘五项专注训练'这一机构所开设的世外桃源。我们来到一起,并尽力保护环境,这样,我们便不会看到不如法的事情,也不会听到不如法的事情。每一件事都转化为五项专注训练,这就是你在梅村能够安稳的原因。每一瞥,每一声,每张脸庞,每次接触,都应该将修行(德行)包含在内,你会受到‘五项专注训练'的护佑。
  I know in America, in Europe, there are national parks where animals are protected. There are sanctuaries for animals, and you are not allowed to go in and shoot a deer or a rabbit. They are safe. So Plum Village is a kind of sanctuary like that where the Five Mindfulness Trainings are protected. If anyone shoots one of these precepts down, we have to tell him, to ask him, to leave, because we don't want the precepts shot down in our territory. We can do that only with the collaboration of everyone. The Five Mindfulness Trainings practiced by the whole sangha will transform this place into a sanctuary where everyone is safe. There is no sound, there is no sight, there is no touch that can create negative seeds in us. If we train ourselves well in Plum Village, we will go home and transform our home into a sanctuary also.    我听说,在美国、欧洲,有许多自然公园,动物们在里面受到保护。那里是动物们的世外桃源,人们不得进入,更不能射杀一只鹿或是一只兔子。动物们是安全的。梅村也是如此,她是另一类世外桃源,‘五项专注训练'在此能得到很好地护持。如果有人要破坏任何一条规则,我们必须告知,并请求他离开,因为我们不想这里的规则遭到破坏。这只有每个人同心协力,才能做到。整个教团都在践行‘五项专注训练',这样才能将梅村建成一个世外桃源,其中的每个人都是安全的。这里没有这样的声音,它将阴暗的种子种在我们心中,同样,也没有这样的目光和触摸。如果在梅村我们能将自己磨练得很好,同样的,回到家里,我们就会将她变成世外桃源。
  We use our television, we use our telephone, we use our kitchen in such a way that the mindfulness trainings can be kept alive all the time and we do that for the world, we do that for our family, we do that for ourselves. This is the teaching. So the lotus seed is here, in my two fingers, but it is there, in your heart, and you yourself are a wonderful seed and you should take care of yourself and we should be able to help you take care of yourself, so that one day you may sprout into a wonderful lotus pond, and you will make happiness for so many people. I think I have here enough lotus seed for each young person. Will you come each of you and receive one lotus seed? Maybe you would like to keep it in your pebble meditation bag. I will ask only two persons to come and I will ask Sister Gina to take care of distributing to each one of you one seed. OK. A young gentleman and a young lady?   时刻保持正念,无论我们是在看电视,打电话,还是下厨房,我们这样做是为了整个世界,为了我们的家庭,也为了我们自己。这就是教化。莲子在此,我的手指之间,但也彼,你的心里。你自身就是一粒美妙的种子,照顾好你自己。我们或许能够帮助照顾你,这样,直至有一天,你——发芽了,然后,繁衍成一片美妙的荷塘,你就会给许多人带来快乐。我觉得,我带来的种子足以分给每一位年轻人。你们中间的每一位是否都愿意接受一粒莲子?或许你们愿意将它装进你们的小袋子。我将邀请过来两人,并让吉纳妹妹帮助分发莲子。好了,哪一位先生和女士过来?

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