生活禅 > 柏林艺廊 > 中英园地 >一即一切,一切即一(1)

Dharma Talk given by Thich Nhat Hanh on August 11, 1997 in Plum Village, France.


All in one, One in All. 


  Thich Nhat Hanh                    张刚 试译

  Good morning, my dear friends, today is the 11th of August 1997, and we are in the upper hamlet of Plum Village. I guess that everyone here has seen the lotus pond in the lower hamlet. Yesterday I conducted a walking meditation to the lotus pond, and then we went to the plum trees. It was very nice. We enjoyed the lotus and we also enjoyed the plum trees. Many of you were not there. But it looked like Paradise, it was Paradise, and it still is available. Later, you will realize that the lotus pond is not only in the lower hamlet, but in your heart. When you go home to your town and to your house, and every time you sit down quietly and you focus your attention on the lotus pond and the lotus pond will be born again from within you.   早上好,亲爱的朋友们!今天是1997年8月11日,我们此刻在上梅村。我猜在场的每一位都去过下梅村的荷塘。昨天,在荷塘边我指导了一次行禅,接着我们又去了梅林。那种感觉真好。我们欣赏了荷塘,也欣赏了梅林。你们中间有些人当时不在场。那里真象天堂,实际上它就是天堂,并且现在仍然近在咫尺。不久,你们就会体悟到,荷塘不仅存在于下梅村,也存在于你们心里。当你回到城里的家,走进房间,静静地坐下,关注梅村的荷塘,它就会从你的内心深处油然而生。
  Our mind has all kinds of seeds in it. You have a seed of the lotus pond within you. Every time you use your mindfulness and you touch the seed of the lotus pond in you, you can see the lotus pond with all these flowers and big leaves like this. You don't have to go to the lower hamlet to really have the lotus pond. You may ask the question "Where has the lotus pond come from?" I will tell you.     我们心里有各式各样的种子。你心里有一粒荷塘的种子。每次当你运用你的专注并进而感触到你心里的荷塘的种子时,你就能看到它,扶疏的荷叶,摇曳的莲花。你不必再赶往下梅村。你们也许会问:“那荷塘自何而生?” 我将告诉你们。
  Today I have my pebble bag, but instead of having six pebbles, I have something else in it. My bag is full of lotus seeds. And all the lotuses in the lower hamlet came from a tiny seed like this. We just begin with one seed. Can you look into this seed and see the whole lotus pond and hundreds of lotus flowers and lotus leaves? Can you imagine that all the lotuses and all the leaves of the lotuses come from this tiny little seed? Yet this is true. I'll tell you how to make this lotus seed into a lotus pond. It's easy. Please listen, because I'm going to offer each of you one lotus seed, so that when you go home, you'll be able to make a lotus pond.     今天,我带上了装小卵石的袋子,里面没有了卵石,我放进了其它东西,一袋子莲子。下梅村所有的荷花都来源于这样一粒小小的种子。就让我们从这一粒莲子开始吧。你们能够仔细地审视这粒种子并从中看到整个荷塘以及数以百计的莲叶和荷花吗?那么,你们能够想象整个荷塘以及数以百计的莲叶和荷花就源自于这粒小小的莲子吗?但,这却是真的。一会儿,我将告诉你们怎样将一粒莲子变成一片荷塘。这很容易。请注意听,因为我会给你们每一个人一粒莲子,回家后,每人都能种出一片荷塘。
  You know that a lotus seed has to be planted in mud with water because it does not grow well in dry soil. You think that this seed can be just put into the mud and you can wait until it sprouts, but it will not sprout if you just put it in the mud, because the lotus seed is made of a kernel inside and also a very hard skin outside. Even if you leave the lotus seed three weeks or five weeks or ten weeks within the mud, it will not sprout, even if the mud is full of water. I know that there are lotuses that remain alive for more than one thousand years, and after one thousand years we plant it, it can still grow into a lotus plant.    你们知道,莲子要种在泥土里面,因为在干土里它长不好。你们会想当然地把这粒莲子埋入泥土,然后就坐等它发芽,但是如果你们做的仅此而已,它就不会发芽,因为莲子是由内层的莲核和外层的硬皮构成。即使你们将莲子埋在泥土里三五个星期,甚或十个星期,它仍旧不会发芽,即使土里充满了水。我听说有些莲子在经过了一千年后仍具活力,我们将它种下去,还能长出一株莲花。
  So you should know how to help the lotus seed to sprout. This is the secret: you have to help the water to penetrate into the lotus seed. You may use a little knife, a little saw, and you cut just a little bit, about half a millimeter, so that the water has a chance to penetrate into the lotus and about four or five days later, the lotus seed will sprout and become a tiny lotus plant. If you hold a lotus seed like this and you rap it against a rock for one minute, this part of the skin of the lotus will be removed, so that that spot of the lotus skin will allow the water to get in, and five days after, it will sprout. You will see very tiny lotus leaves and the lotus leaves can get as big as this cup. You keep it in your yard if it is in the spring or summer or autumn, but when it is cold, you bring it into your house. It will continue to grow, and when spring comes you can bring it out, and you can change the container into a bigger one, and the lotus plant will become bigger and bigger. In one year you will begin to have a few lotus flowers, and in three years you will have a lotus pond as big as the one in the lower hamlet, and if you want it can be ten times bigger. Do you think that you can do it? You can make a lotus pond as big as this.    所以,你们应该明了如何帮助莲子发芽。秘密就在这:你们必须让水渗透进莲子。你们可以用一把小刀、一片小锯条,开一个小口,大约半毫米,水便可以渗透进种子,再过四五天,莲子就会发芽,成为一株小莲花。倘若你这样手持莲子,然后在岩石上轻轻敲击一分钟,莲子的这片皮就会磕掉,皮上的这个缺口就会让水渗进来,五天后,种子就会发芽。你们将会看到细小的荷叶,荷叶逐步长到象这个杯子一样大。在春天、夏天、秋天,你就会把它放在你的院子里,天气转冷,你就会将它摆放在屋子里面。它不断地生长。春暖花开,你又会把它重新放回院子里。莲株变得越来越大,或许你要换一个较大一点的花盆。一年之内,你就会得到一些盛开的莲花,如果你想莲花以十倍计的繁衍,那么三年之内,整个池塘都会布满莲花,就象梅村的荷塘一样。难道你不认为你可以作到?你会种出一片荷塘,就象这儿的一样。 

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